What is a Webhook?
A webhook is a function that sends notifications to other services or applications when a specific event occurs. When an event is triggered, the webhook provider generates an HTTP POST request and sends event information to the designated callback URL (endpoint).
Unlike polling, where data is periodically fetched, webhooks allow you to receive only the relevant event information as it happens, making them much more efficient in terms of resource usage and communication. Webhooks can be used to extend functionality by integrating with custom features or other applications.
Webhook Integration with Archisketch
In Archisketch, webhooks are used to notify a customer’s server when events such as sending project-level estimate. When an event happens, Archisketch server sends an HTTP POST request to the webhook URL registered in the dashboard. The customer’s server should process this request to synchronize the latest data.
Webhook Trigger Events
Archisketch webhooks are triggered by the following events:
- Send Project Estimate (견적서 발송)
- (More coming soon)
Here's a how-to for setting up a URL for Archisketch webhook events.

- In the Archisketch dashboard, navigate to [Settings] > [Customizations] > [Developer Settings].
- Click the [Configure] button to set up webhook event configurations.
- Enter the URL of your server that will receive webhook events via HTTP POST requests.
- Select the webhook event you want to configure.
- Enable or disable the webhook as needed (enabled by default). Note that disabling a webhook may limit certain dashboard functionalities that supports triggering the event.
- For example, the [Send Estimate] button in the Archisketch 3D planner is only visible when the webhook is active.
- Optionally, enable automatic retries in case of webhook failures (e.g., server errors, network issues).
- If enabled (disabled by default), Archisketch will attempt to resend the webhook up to five times at increasing random intervals (approximately 0 to 10 minutes) to prevent server overload.