
Pre-requisite: Configuration

As a pre-requisite for Archisketch Single-Sign On integration, the partner enterprise need to register configuration on Archisketch dahsboard.

Proceed to https://{replace-with-your-enterprise-domain}> [Settings] > [Customizations] > [OAuth Config] and configure the fields below.

Verification URLVerification URL of partner enterprise
(Only supports GET Http method)
Use GET with Bearer TokenMethod for passing the verification token to verificationUrl
True: As Bearer token In Authorization Header
False: In Request Parameter (Default)
Request Param KeyRequest Parameter name for verification token in case useBearerTokenForVerification is falseX"token"
UID KeyKey for unique ID of Verification API Response of the partner enterprise (mapped to Archisketch User's uid)X"id"
Email KeyKey for user email in Verification API Response of the partner enterprise (mapped to Archisketch User's email)O"email"
Name KeyKey for user name in Verification API Response of the partner enterprise (mapped to Archisketch User's name)O"name"
Avatar KeyKey for URL of the user's avatar image in Verification API Response of the partner enterprise (mapped to Archisketch User's avatarImage)X"avatarImage"